March 3, 2016

Wildlife and habitat

No, dolphins are not your 'therapists.' So just stop it.
Bird Watchers Help Science Fill Gaps in the Migratory Story
Researchers Confirm Lion Population in Remote Ethiopian Park
Poachers using science papers to target newly discovered species
Montana governor allows bison to roam outside Yellowstone
From a rare Florida tree, genes to regrow forest of ancient giants
Fungus killing tree critical to Hawaii's native forests
South Florida python hunters break record
Study: Asian carp could develop huge presence in Lake Erie
New Jersey updating endangered amphibians, reptiles list
U.S. wildlife officials reject protections for an Alaska wolf in decline
Rampaging elephants force Myanmar villagers to tree-top refuge
Spread of algal toxin through marine food web broke records in 2015
A Starfish-Killing, Artificially Intelligent Robot Is Set to Patrol the Great Barrier Reef
Why Crows Hold Funerals
Are Australian snakes the deadliest in the world? Not even close
Why Do We Feed Wild Animals?

Discoveries about the natural world

Inside the Eye: Nature’s Most Exquisite Creation
The physics of life
A previously unknown growth pathway that lets plants avoid shade
3-D footage of nematode brains links neurons with motion and behavior
Octopuses resolve conflicts with many-armed body language
Bug eyes: Tiny 3-D glasses confirm insect 3-D vision
Caddisfly larvae modify the architecture of their shelters for balance before pupation
Flexible soaring style keeps vultures aloft longer
Falcons imprison live birds to keep them fresh for a later meal?
Small fish species evolved rapidly following 1964 Alaska earthquake
‘Selfish’ DNA flouts rules of inheritance
Dodo's relative brain size was similar to pigeons, likely had enhanced sense of smell
Humans drove this massive, ancient bird to extinction by chowing down on its eggs
King Kong was inflexible: The giant ape went extinct 100,000 years ago, due to its inability to adapt
Team identifies ancient mutation that contributed to evolution of multicellular animals
Dating historic activity at Oso, Washington site shows recurring major landslides
Way beyond diamonds: A look at some of the rarest minerals in the world

Weather and climate

Top scientists insist global warming really did slow down in the 2000s
Phases of the moon affect amount of rainfall
Questions about stability of Antarctic ice sheet
Increase in volcanic eruptions at the end of the ice age caused by melting ice caps and erosion

Environmental policy

Science-driven strategies for more effective endangered species recovery


Preparing for large-scale solar deployment
Nevada decision guts the state’s thriving solar industry
Batteries and Grid Stability
New lithium-ion battery shuts down at high temperatures and restarts when it cools
Why the Next Generation of Nuclear Technology Innovation Won't Be like the Last One
How to Power the World With Nuclear Waste (video)
Material could harvest sunlight by day, release heat on demand hours or days later
Harnessing the energy of small bending motions
Earthquakes in Oklahoma Raise Fears of a Big One


EPA stayed silent on Flint’s tainted water
US authorities distorting tests to downplay lead content of water


Texas Joins Fight Against EPA's New Ozone Rule

Chemical concerns, radiation, waste management, recycling

18 cities in Pennsylvania reported higher levels of lead exposure than Flint
It's not just Flint — every major American city has hazardous amounts of lead hurting kids
EPA science advisors say fracking study needs clarification
At C.D.C., a Debate Behind Recommendations on Cellphone Risk
Essential Oils: Poisonous when Misused

Agriculture and food, livestock and pets

More Trouble for Antioxidants « Science-Based Medicine
Why the science of nutrition is so messy
EPA finds pesticide hurts bees on some, but not all, crops
How We Can Tame Overlooked Wild Plants to Feed the World

    More info: How advanced breeding could domesticate 50,000 wild, edible plants
Purple limes, blood oranges could be next for Florida citrus
World's first 'robot run' farm to open in Japan
Poultry Rules Pose no Safety Threat, D.C. Circuit Finds
Pre-pregnancy potato consumption may be linked to gestational diabetes risk
Sugar in western diets may increase risk for breast cancer tumors and metastasis
A big win for animals: The FBI now tracks animal abuse like it tracks homicides

Health and medicine, human behavior

U.S. Becomes More Vulnerable to Tropical Diseases Like Zika
Why people fall for pseudoscience (and how academics can fight back)

Drug Shortages Forcing Hard Decisions on Rationing Treatments
Gene Editing Offers Hope for Treating Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Studies Find
    Related: Enzyme tweak boosts precision of CRISPR genome edits
Even Insured Can Face Crushing Medical Debt, Study Finds

American Emergency Rooms Are Facing Critical Drug Shortages
Legionnaires’ Outbreak in Flint Was Met With Silence
The Hidden Harm of Antidepressants
A Single Cell Shines New Light on How Cancers Develop
UK scientists get go-ahead to genetically modify human embryos
Legislative Alchemy 2015: Another losing season for CAM practitioners (SBM)
Why Preventing Cancer Is Not the Priority in Drug Development
There’s almost no evidence that cancer screening saves lives, say researchers
    Related: DNA sequencing giant will launch company to develop blood tests to detect cancer
Cardiac arrests in high-rise buildings: Low survival rates above 3rd floor (911 response time)
Childbirth an athletic event? Sports medicine used to diagnose injuries caused by deliveries
UV Light Robots Cut C. Diff Transmissions by 25 Percent on Cancer Patient Floors
Graphene and Neurons - the best of friends
We’ve almost eradicated polio. Ironically, a big threat now is vaccines.

Higher risk of leukemia linked to low sunlight, vitamin D
No increased risk of autism, ADHD with prenatal antidepressant exposure, study indicates
New therapy halts progression of Lou Gehrig’s disease in mice
Early-life exercise alters gut microbes, promotes healthy brain and metabolism
A New Culprit in Lyme Disease
Researchers identify areas of plague risk in western United States
Ultrasound exposure could be making people ill, study finds
No easy answers in UW study of legal marijuana's impact on alcohol use
Knee pain? Achy joints? Passive bionic devices are coming
Head transplant carried out on monkey, claims maverick surgeon
How does type of toy affect quantity, quality of language in infant playtime?
Why so many of the health articles you read are junk
The brain-computer duel: Do we have free will?
Is it OK to spank a misbehaving child once in a while?


Students with influence over peers reduce school bullying by 30 percent
FTC Slaps Down “Brain Training” Claims (SBM)


Obama administration unveils executive actions aimed at reducing gun violence
How dangerous people get their guns
Supreme Court Seems Poised to Deal Unions a Major Setback
New York to Appoint Monitor to Review Police’s Counterterrorism Activity
Militia movement growing at rapid rate
Growing use of neurobiological evidence in criminal trials, new study finds
'Hit & Run' Drone Law Proposed in California
Drone Catcher: "Robotic Falcon" can Capture, Retrieve Renegade Drones
Pennsylvania Supreme Court to hear case on state’s conservation duty
Family Wants Brain-Dead Girl Declared Alive
China Arrests Country's Most Prominent Female Human Rights Lawyer

Archaeology, anthropology, art and history

Math whizzes of ancient Babylon figured out forerunner of calculus
New research on Austronesian languages refute longstanding theory
Tribes’ Win in Fight for La Jolla Bones Clouds Hopes for DNA Studies
Stone Tools Point to Mysterious Neighbor of Flores ‘Hobbit’
Neandertal–Human Trysts May Be Linked to Modern Depression, Heart Disease
Itchy Eyes? Sneezing? Maybe Blame That Allergy On Neanderthals
Evidence of a prehistoric massacre extends the history of warfare
'Cave of forgotten dreams' may hold earliest painting of volcanic eruption
Flea-bitten empire: How the Romans left parasites, feces and disease in their wake
Scientists sequence first ancient Irish human genomes
UW Research: Same Growth Rate for Farming, Non-Farming Prehistoric People
‘Virtual fossil’ reveals last common ancestor of humans and Neanderthals
The very real search for an ancient city in Honduras that probably doesn’t exist

National security, defense

Top U.S. generals: Women should have to register for draft

Astronomy and cosmology, spaceflight

Gravitational Waves Discovered at Long Last
    Related: New insights emerge from LIGO’s gravitational-wave data
                  The Future of Gravitational Wave Astronomy
Probably not ‘alien megastructures.’ But what’s making this star act so strangely?
Sorry NASA, Europe says it’s going to the Moon instead of Mars
New meteorite tracking system installed in Australia
Did We Need The Moon For Life? (video)
Astronomers find new way to measure the pull of gravity at the surface of distant stars
Image: Pluto's widespread water ice
Spending Bill To Accelerate NASA Habitation Module Work
New research suggests sun's magnetic field may soon change
Don’t flip out: Earth’s magnetic poles aren’t about to switch
Ripples in galaxy help locate dark-matter satellites of Milky Way
String Theory Meets Loop Quantum Gravity
Is the neutrino its own antiparticle?
Physicists split on ideas expressed in Hawking's latest black hole paper
Physicists investigate the structure of time, with implications for quantum mechanics and philosophy
The Case for Complex Dark Matter
Physicists investigate the structure of time, with implications for quantum mechanics and philosophy

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Physicists investigate the structure of time, with implications for quantum mechanics and philosophy

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Physicists investigate the structure of time, with implications for quantum mechanics and philosophy

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Physics, chemistry and materials science, mathematics

Researchers’ metallic glue may stick it to soldering and welding
3-D Printed Ceramics Could Build Next-Gen Spaceships
    More info: 3D-Printed Wonder Ceramics Are Flawless And Super-Strong
Tardigrades make proteins that turn into glass when the microscopic animals dry out
Mysterious LHC Photons Have Physicists Searching for Answers
Strange New State of Hydrogen Created
The first experimental observations of knots in quantum matter
Periodic table's seventh row finally filled as four new elements are added
Hope Rekindled for Perplexing Proof

Technology and engineering, robotics

Fast, accurate DNA sequencing through graphene nanopore
A microscope to change the world
    Related: Researchers Create Inexpensive Lens to Turn Smartphone into Microscope
Google’s Self-Driving Cars Aren’t as Good as Humans—Yet
Segway and Intel announce a hoverboard ... or is it a robot?
Chinese drone maker unveils human-carrying drone

Computers and software, the Internet

An hour-by-hour look at how a conspiracy theory becomes ‘truth’ on Facebook
FCC report: US broadband speeds tripled between 2011 and 2014
3D mapping of entire buildings with mobile devices
Snopes' Field Guide to Fake News Sites and Hoax Purveyors
NSA Hacker Chief Explains How to Keep Him Out of Your System

Of note

The science for climate change only feeds the denial: how do you beat that?
Kids these days (interesting and informative video)
Top stories of 2015: Pluto, gene editing, a new hominid and more
Study: Transparency Lacking in Biomedical Literature
“Transparency” should not equal a license to harass scientists
How new regulations saved consumers billions in credit card fees
Owner donates Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News, and to new media institute
Scientist Resurrects Ancient Creatures by 3D-Printing Them in Metal


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